Hello Little Frog,
This is a video that made me smile from the first moment I heard the music and saw the puppet and his puppeteer.
Your Dad plays the guitar, and your Mom plays the ipu and maybe other instruments, too. I don't really know, but you'll find out.
This video reminds me so much of a friend your Dad and your Tutu Lady knew a long time ago, when your Dad was a boy. His name was Raymond North. Maybe sometime your Dad will have a story to share about Raymond North who had a gravelly voice like the man playing the guitar in this video.
Raymond North was a Welshman, these men are Irishmen. Wales is near Ireland. Listen closely to the song at the end of the video. It's Irish. Your Tutu Pete is an Irishman.
It's fun to see how one thing you see can make you think of another thing, or another person.
Life is magic that way, if you look for it or listen just so.